Abstract |
Background. In this article the author outlines and analyzes the election requirements for candidates for the position of Senator in Rome in the period VIII–VI centuries B.C., which became the subject of research of such scientists as V. Patikul, P. Festa, G. Sallustius Crispus (Sallustius), Dionysius of Halicarnassus, I. Sonara, Plutarch, Livy, D. I. Azarevich, T. Mommsen, L. G. Morgan, I. A. Kossovich, I. A. Pokrovsky, S. L., Utchenko, A. D., Momigliano, M. V. Belkin, A. V. Korolenko, etc. The novelty of the research lies in the approaches to the issues.
Materials and methods. The author of the article used methods to more fully disclose the claimed subject. The methodological basis of form, first, the principle of dialectics as a General principle of scientific knowledge. In addition, the study used General scientific methods, specially scientific and special methods, including: systematic, comparative-historical, textual, historical and legal, methods of analysis and synthesis etc.
Results. Investigated the evolution of the principles of the formation of the Roman Senate during the Imperial period (VIII-VI centuries B.C.) in the context of changing policy enfranchised.
Insights. For the first time, the author evaluated the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of candidates for senators. The main contribution of the author in researching the subject is the systematization of the positions of Russian and foreign researchers of ancient history in the question about how the formation of the Roman Senate in the VIII century B.C. – VI century B.C. and their presentation in the form of a table.
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